I decided to change my old smartphone for products from the "apple giant", but my colleagues scared me with stories when the original phone turned out to be a fake. But I was sure that there were ways to help detect deception for sure. The same was confirmed by the seller in the mobile phone shop, where I ran on the same day on the way home. He described in detail the available methods for self-checking the gadget.
Serial number
Apple products are subject to strict accounting, therefore each original product is provided with an individual number, the data of which is placed on the device case and in the purchase documents. Information is also contained in the gadget's memory, in the Settings (section "About this device").
Next, go to the official website of the manufacturer and drive the combination into the verification field. If it is a fake, then a red inscription appears about the invalidity of the serial number, information about the model is shown if the iPhone is genuine.
Read also: How to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake
Back cover
The case of this iPhone is made of high quality material. It can be aluminum, steel, glass or good plastic. Counterfeiters use cheap analogues.
For many fakes, the design allows you to remove the back panel and battery of the device, and you can’t just open the iPhone.
Also, often there are no inscriptions, logo and IMEI on the back cover of the replica.
spelling words
The negligence of inscriptions on the body of the device most often betrays the dubious origin of the goods.
On the original, the name is not smeared, it is written in a clear font. Its appearance corresponds to the official one, without omissions, replacement and rearrangement of letters.
On copies produced for the European market, there is information about the Chinese assembly, while the American counterparts have nothing but the logo and the word "iPhone". Both options are acceptable, but any deviations, grammatical errors, especially the presence of hieroglyphs, indicate that you have a fake.
Read also: how to check iphone original power supply
Apps that only work on iPhones
Apple products differ not only in appearance, but also in content. Real phones are equipped with a non-Android iOS operating system, which gives access to branded applications. Externally, the replica interface repeats the original, but when you try to use, for example, the App Store, the gadget will go to Google Play.
Read also: how to tell a refurbished iphone
Of course, no applications available to iPhones can be downloaded through it. Also, you will not be able to sync the video and audio player with iTunes.
The seller's advice will come in handy when it's time to go to the store, I hope they will be useful to you too. Like and subscribe to the channel!
What to do if you sold a fake?
Where to go if you sold a fake?
Helpful, thanks for the article.
I already knew all this, could you sketch a couple more options
But for example, I don’t, Fedor
it’s so good that there are kind people who are able to share their life experience, now I will understand that even an iPhone is easy to fake, but I will never fall for their tricks and buy a fake, because I know how to distinguish a fake from a real one, only a real iPhone will mine