Many foods and drinks on supermarket shelves are not entirely natural, safe and tasty. And this happens due to the replacement of high-quality ingredients with cheap ones, which reduces the cost for the manufacturer. Buyers often do not pay attention to the composition, but it is important to do so.
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fish cakes
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In addition to flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate), preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers, semi-finished fish cakes often contain soy, which has nothing to do with meat.
There is very little fillet there, and it can be of poor quality - trimmings from production, ground fins, etc.
A complex of chemicals and poor quality meat is a frequent basis for the most budgetary semi-finished products. Natural products are available from companies that specialize in quality food.
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Fine tea dust is added to tea bags instead of good leaves, and natural lemon peel or fruit pieces are replaced with artificial flavors in different flavored teas.
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Even ordinary black tea can be a substitute.
Often cheap types, positioned as strong, are not only made from tea dust, but also impregnated with dyes. When the bag is poured with boiling water, the water instantly becomes dark. Natural tea gradually colors the liquid.
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Natural butter is not cheap, does not crumble during cutting, has a milky smell and creamy color, and its shelf life does not exceed 20 days. The fat content must be at least 82.5%.
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A surrogate differs significantly from a quality product. There may be a smell of margarine, yellow color.
To reduce the cost of production, palm oil is added to it, which releases the carcinogen glycidyl, which promotes the development of cancer cells.
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Surrogate alcohol has in its composition liquids that are not intended for ingestion, such as technical alcohol.
Dyes, flavorings mask poor-quality composition. At the same time, it is very easy to get poisoned by such a drink.
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Chocolate candies
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Palm oil is often found in chocolate bars and sweets, especially in the lower price segment. They are replaced with natural cocoa butter, dairy components.
The percentage of cocoa in such products is extremely small, if not completely absent.
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Manufacturers often replace dairy raw materials with palm oil. If the label indicates the composition of the flavor substitute, vegetable oil and milk powder, then this cannot be called cheese.
A good product consists of enzymes, milk and bacterial starter. Preservatives E252, E160a and some others may be present, which is regulated by GOST.
Studying the composition is one of the steps to choosing quality products. Such food has a higher cost than a surrogate, but does not harm health.
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What to do if you sold a fake?
Where to go if you sold a fake?
I'm vague about semi-finished fish cakes
Yes, now it’s not cheese on the shelves, but one palm oil around, nonsense
The leader in low-quality additives is known to be palm oil. Every year more and more of it is imported to Russia. It is very difficult to find natural products without its additive among dairy products. Everything is faked: cheeses, condensed milk, cottage cheese. But determining the presence of palm oil in such products is not difficult. As a rule, they have a frankly vile and unnatural taste. Having bought such a product once, I don’t take it a second time, and I’m already wary of other products from the same manufacturer.
I agree that palm oil is not good. And the legislators understood this - they forced the trade to introduce shelves for products with BZMZH and decipher the composition of the product. And for ardent supporters of organic food, I advise you to remember that in countries producing palm oil, it has been eaten for thousands of years.